POSTED UNDER Home, Peace, Prayer, AND MORE

Armilustrium (Roman)

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Basil
Armilustrium was a Roman festival in honor of Mars, the god of war. During this time, the Roman legions would clean and store their weapons for the winter, and festivities were held to celebrate the homecoming of the troops. If you are a devotee of Mars, set aside this day for him. You may make offerings for him or ask him for aid in issues involving competition and conflict in which you need the upper hand. If you are interested in training in a martial art, this is also a good day to start your quest for a dojo, or even take your first lesson. Others may want to look at the motif of putting away weaponry. If you know someone currently in a war zone or at risk of being sent to one, or if you simply wish for all troops to return home safely, emphasize the retiring of the weapons with prayers for peace.

Armilustrium was a Roman festival in honor of Mars, the god of war. During this time, the Roman legions would clean and store their weapons for the winter, and festivities were held to celebrate the homecoming of the troops. If you are a devotee of Mars, set aside this day for him. You may make offerings for him or ask him for aid in issues involving competition and conflict in which you need the upper hand. If you are interested in training in a martial art, this is also a good day to start your quest for a dojo, or even take your first lesson. Others may want to look at the motif of putting away weaponry. If you know someone currently in a war zone or at risk of being sent to one, or if you simply wish for all troops to return home safely, emphasize the retiring of the weapons with prayers for peace.

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Mambo Chita Tann (Chicago, IL) is a mambo asogwe, the highest initiated rank in Haitian Vodou. She has more than 20 years of experience as a teacher, published author, and lecturer on African religions. She is also a professional Egyptologist and the spiritual leader of the Kemetic Orthodox Faith, ...
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