POSTED UNDER Children, Love, Protection

A Child‘s Blessing

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Basil
While not all of us are parents, grandparents, or guardians, children are part of our lives and our communities. Children are the manifestation of our love and our future. Children are precious. Too often, children are the victims of violence, abuse, and bullying. While we cannot be with them always, nor fight all their battles for them, we can bless the children and invoke a spell of protection over them. Let us all bless the children:

Sweet babe asleep in mother's arms,
Goddess keep you safe and warm,
Toddler bounding on eager feet,
Goddess bless you and keep you sweet,
Child at play running long,
Goddess make you healthy and strong,
Teenager creating a separate identity,
May the Grace of the Goddess be with thee,
In her embrace you children are safe,
Goddess be with you throughout your days.

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