Fireside Nights

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
Deep in November, when the night settles quickly over the hills and the wind moans through the pines, I'm drawn to the fireside. Nights such as this are times to perform fire magic. You may begin by divining the future.

Start by burning a piece of bark; as it burns look intently at the shape of the bark as it curls. What do you see? After building the fire more, watch the flames. If there are no flames in the center of the logs, you'll have a break in a problem you've been facing. If the flames build higher in the center, news is coming.
To send a message to someone, write it on a piece of paper and feed it into the fire; you'll receive an answer. As you let the fire die, look deep into the embers, and you'll see the dawn of civilization.

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