The Light Within the Darkness

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sage
Light a single white candle within a dark room and sit watching it for ten to fifteen minutes. As you look at the flame, imagine the innovation that fire has been for humanity. Picture all of its uses and powers. Acknowledge the flame as a living, moving force of creation. In your mind, dissect its many layers as it consumes the wax as fuel. Then focus your mind on the knowledge of the flame, which can only be created by the act and transition of combustion. When you have fully drawn in the energy of light, snuff the flame and sit quietly in the dark room. Feel the cool air engulf you and commune now with the absence of light. Let the walls of the room dissolve until you find yourself in utter cosmic darkness. Then relight the candle and experience the light anew!

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