Time once again to work with Sadie, the goddess and queen of the bargain shoppers, for last-minute decoration ideas, and inspired meals for the holiday season. Decorating your home will require a careful eye as you wander through the dollar stores and bargain outlets this year. Follow Sadie through the store and see where she stops. You know what she looks like-you can only see her from behind and both her hands are filled with overstuffed shopping bags with brand names on them. She will show you the bins with the just the right holiday decorations and the closeout and deeply discounted holiday trimmings. If you are really lucky, she can lead you to the one-day-only supermarket specials that will help you create a holiday meal your family and invited friends will praise you for all year long. Watch for Sadie and follow her to the best deals in town.
With a spell for each day of the year, this almanac makes it easy to explore new magical endeavors.
Regardless of your interests or skill level, this spell-packed annual offers something for every...