Herbal Witches Cleansing Bottle

To make an herbal cleansing bottle, pour a layer of clean sand into a large clear bottle. Add layers of dried herbs, one at a time: first rosemary; then lemon peel, sage, cedar, black peppercorns, lavender, dill, bay leaf, and rowan. When the bottle is full, focus cleansing protective energy into the herbs and sand, and see a golden light radiating from the bottle. Visualize the herbs driving away negative influences. Cork and seal the bottle with white wax. Using a permanent marker, draw the Algiz rune on one side of the bottle, and on the other side draw a pentagram. Set the bottle near your front or back door, and every six months, uncap, pour herbs out into the woods or your compost heap, and thoroughly wash and dry the bottle before filling it with a new round of herbs.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=438