Peace Powder

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Hyssop
Conflict is inevitable and can lead to positive change, but we always hope it will be resolved peacefully. To help ensure the conflicts in your life resolve without aggression, make a peace powder that you can sprinkle when things get tense. Gather up some of the following dried herbs: rose petals, chamomile, lavender, jasmine blossoms, thyme, sage, lemon balm, or catnip. Crumble everything as small as you can with your fingers, and then grind even finer with a mortar and pestle, spice grinder, or small food processor. Put the powder in a white cloth bag or small bottle and charge with this chant, which you can repeat when you use it:
Calm the tension, calm the fight, everything will turn out right.
Open our hearts and clear our minds, the best solution we will find.

If you substitute essential oils for some of the dried herbs, this powder can also be tension-easing incense.

Holiday lore: Although the month of June is named for Juno, principal goddess of the Roman pantheon, major festivals dedicated to her are scattered throughout the year. For instance, today marks Junoalia, a festival in honor of Juno celebrated in solemnity by matrons. Two images of Juno made of cypress were borne in a procession of twenty-seven girls dressed in long robes, singing a hymn to the goddess composed by the poet Livius. Along the way, the procession would dance in the great field of Rome before proceeding ahead to the temple of Juno.
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