POSTED UNDER Air, Business, Job

Visualization for Job Interview Success

You're ready for the job interview. You've got your power suit on, your resume in your briefcase, and your hair is just so. Wait a minute; haven't you forgotten something? Add a sachet of comfrey and sage-both sacred to Jupiter-to your briefcase. Then before you leave for that interview, try this visualization: Sit in front of a mirror, preferably full-length, in your business clothes. Pretend you are the employer, looking at the prospective employee sitting across from you. Visualize this person doing the job that needs filling; see him or her doing it well, being an asset to the organization and making the boss proud. Now, say aloud: "This is a competent person. This is a professional person. This is a perfect candidate for this job." Then smile at your-self in the mirror, get up, and go get that new job!
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