POSTED UNDER Cat, Peace, Wind


Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Lily
Be it world peace or inner peace, this little spell should help.

Take a small, blue birthday candle and place three bay laurel leaves around it to form a simple ring (you may substitute rose petals). Ground and center yourself and focus on a sense of peace and calmness. Once you feel truly centered and at peace, light the candle. Meditate on the flame for a few moments and then leave it to burn out.

Shred and scatter the leaves (or petals) in the wind at a favored spot. A simple holder for the birthday candle can be made using some clay or a small container of dirt. If you'd like to spread this spell's influence out over several days, use a larger candle and allow it to burn a certain amount of time each day, such as a half-hour or an hour. Try to perform the spell's ritual at the same time each day.
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