Color of the day: White Incense of the day: Bay laurel This day belongs to the Greco-Roman, winged-footed god Hermes/Mercury. With Wednesday being aligned with the planet Mercury, and the Moon waxing, today is a perfect for casting spells for shrewdness and transformation. If you feel like things will never change and you are ready to shake things up in your life, then Mercury and Hermes are the ones to call on. But remember, these are trickster gods. So this spell closes with a tag line, making certain that the transformative magic will unfold in the best possible way. Burn an orange candle and repeat the spell.
Wednesdays are for Mercury/Hermes, the messenger of the gods,
A clever and canny soul, on winged feet he does swiftly trod.
By the waxing Moon, please send positive change to me,
With no trouble or harm, As I will, so mote it be.