Color of the day: Yellow Incense of the day: Almond Full Moon 10:44 pm In Scotland it was believed that the essence or power of living things increased during the waxing Moon and was at its highest potency at the Full Moon. For that reason, people would not cull plants during the waning Moon (when their essence was decreasing), but did this during the waxing or Full Moon. There were many traces of Moon worship in the Western Islands of Scotland in the early part of the last century. When old people walked outside at night to see "what the night was doing," they observed the Moon, the stars, and the constellations, and often repeated prayers and charms. Here is a traditional Scottish prayer to the Moon: Hail to you, Jewel of the Night! Beautiful one of the Heavens, Jewel of the Night! Mother of the Stars, Jewel of the Night! Foster child of the Sun, Jewel of the Night! Majesty of the Stars, Jewel of the Night! |