POSTED UNDER Cat, Protection

A Car-Protection Spell

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Vacation time is beginning, and now is a good time to magically protect your vehicles before heading out on the road. This simple protection oil may help. Select three protective herbs such as basil, fennel, and thyme. Place a sprig of each, or crumble equal parts of each herb, in a small jar and combine with a quarter cup of olive oil. Seal the jar with a lid and allow the mixture to steep for three days. Now you're ready to anoint your vehicle. To do this, place a small amount of the oil on your finger or a cotton swab, and trace the sign of a cross on hidden areas of your vehicle. Do this on all four sides, and visualize all the occupants of your vehicle surrounded with protective energy. At the same time, silently bless the other cars you'll encounter on the road.
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