POSTED UNDER Friends, Peace

Weaving the Web

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Lily
Independence Day

Independence Day is a long-standing American tradition. It marks the birth of our nation. However, July 4 has been celebrated as a holiday of civics as far back as ancient Greece and Rome. This was the Roman festival of the goddess Concordia, whose ceremonies also honored the Roman goddess Pax and the Greek goddess Eirene, both in charge of peace. This was a general holiday of peace, freedom, and community bonds. Observe this holiday by weaving a web with coven mates or friends. Toss a ball of yarn from one person to another, holding onto the corners of the web as it forms, until everyone has passed the yarn to each other person. Chant:
Thoughts of war and
Conflict cease
Weaving freedom
Weaving peace
Through our friendship
Find release
Weaving freedom
Weaving peace

You can anchor the web to tree branches, grass, etc., to hold its shape after you step away.

Holiday notes: On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. Philadelphians were first to mark the anniversary of American independence with a celebration, but Independence Day became commonplace only after the War of 1812. By the 1870s, the Fourth of July was the most important secular holiday in the United States, celebrated even in far-flung communities on the western frontier of the country.
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