Soul of Rock ’n’ Roll

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ginger
One of the most accessible and powerful ways to access the unconscious mind and energetic self is through music. We all know that music sets the emotional tone in movies, can remind us vividly of times gone by, and can pick up our spirits when we're in a funk. What's your favorite kind of music? What does it evoke for you? Spend some time today really listening to it, and maybe some genres you don't normally put on. If you're a musician, play a song that tells the universe how you're feeling today. If you're not, make a rattle out of a paper cup and some dried beans, or just sing along to your favorite tunes. Dance to the music. At the end of the day, check in with how you feel. If you have more energy, and are in a good mood, then don't forget to put music in your magical toolbox!
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