Color of the day: Gray Incense of the day: Basil This is the time of harvest! If they're natural in your area, scout out a rowan tree-look for the bright orange clusters of berries! If you have permission from the landowner (unless it's public land, which is even better), go to the tree and leave an offering of a crystal, cornmeal, or natural fertilizer (manure). Thank the tree for its generosity. Cultivate a good amount of rowan berries and return to your "spellcrafting headquarters." Using a needle and thread, string a large necklace of rowan berries. Hang this garland in an auspicious spot to let it dry. This can be used for two significant things: protection and recuperation (or recovery)-just wear it around your neck any time. All of us have an Achilles heel: dependencies to thoughts, substances, negative modes of behavior, habits, and so on. As you take the steps in "everyday life" to break your attachment to the chosen ailment, you can deepen the process through magic. Whenever the craving or tendency arises, sprinkle dried rue around yourself or take a bath with the herb steeped as a "tub tea." Rue is said to "break attachments to anything." Once finished using the rue, wear the garland of rowan berries to ensure that you're protected from the negativity, that you're kept on track, and are stable on the road to balance.