Neutralizing Energy

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
If a location seems to have a buildup of energy, it's a good idea to neutralize the energy and start fresh. However, there are a few things to take into consideration: if the location (be it a house, a room, an area of land, or somewhere else) seems to be absolutely looming with darkness, is there a possiblity that it's haunted? If so, this working may not be enough. Additionally, it's good to consider whether the energy buildup in the location is beneficial. For example, if you're on sacred land (including a cemetery), consider that the energy may serve a positive purpose. Counteract energy with this spell only if you know the buildup should be energtically neutralized.
Simply go to the area with sea salt, purified water, a quartz crystal, a matchbook, and a wand of dried sage. Ignite the sage with a number of matches (the sulfur helps chase away energy) and allow the smoke to billow. As you walk around the location in a widdershins (counterclockwise) direction, chant the word "Dismissed!" over and over. Next, sprinkle half of the sea salt as you did before, but this time chant "Dissolved!" on repeat. Add the rest of the sea salt to the water, swirl it around, and visualize the water glowing in a sof, white light. Asperge the consecrated water around the area, chanting "Neutralized!" over and over. Finish by placing the quartz crystal in the central point of the location and declare, "So mote it be!"
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Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his "empath's trilogy," consisting of The Empath's Oracle, Esoteric Empathy, and The Everyday Empath, as well as the "shadow trilogy" of A Gothic Witch's Oracle, A Witch's Shadow Magick Compendium, and Goth Craft. Originally trained in ...
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