POSTED UNDER Autumn, Cat, Garden, AND MORE

Beneficial Cutbacks

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Violet
For full magical potency, it is usually best to gather herbs during the Full Moon since the gravitational pull of the Moon draws the sap of plants up out of their roots and into their leaves. But cutting plants during the waning Moon also has its advantages, since it can signal to a plant to start to diminish instead of flourish, which in this waning time of year is beneficial. Go out today and do some pruning. The cuttings that you take at this time are best added to compost, or perhaps used only in spells for sending things away. As you work in your garden, repeat this chant to communicate your intent to your plants:

Grow you have done
Grow you may
In the bright sun
Of the day

Time to slumber
Time to sleep
Autumn's coming
Close you keep

Now to draw back
Go within
later come back
When spring begins
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