POSTED UNDER Cat, Moon, Prayer

Hecate‘s House

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is a time of introspection and prayer, repentance, and spiritual renewal. It is also a time for putting your spiritual house in order. Call upon Hecate, goddess of the Dark Moon, the Crone of Greek mythology, for help. Hecate is the beginning and the end. Invoke her energy to help let go of outdated patterns, and to help establish new, healthy habits. Draw a house. Inside the house, write things that support you spiritually: helpful habits, routines, allies, and practices. Outside the house, list what is spiritually destructive. Say:
Hecate be with me
As I put my house in order,
My spirit is strong and
shining bright
Help me to make what is
wrong now right,
Hecate be with me always.

Keep the list on your altar, review it frequently, and make conscious effort to keep your spiritual house in order.

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