POSTED UNDER Home, Kitchen, Protection, AND MORE

Pepper Pot Protection Bottle

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Cinnamon
Day of the Dead - All Saints' Day

Do some protection to your home with this bit of kitchen magic. Place an uneven number of peppercorns into a mortar and pestle. Begin grinding, focusing on the energy of the peppercorns spreading out to surround your home and those living within it. Grind them well while charging them with protecting all you hold dear. When done, place the ground bits into a small bottle or jar. Add some sharp, pointy bits such as thumbtacks, pins, or needles. Seal the bottle and place out of sight in whatever room you would consider the heart of your home.

Holiday lore: The time between sundown on Samhain to sundown today, the Day of the Dead, was considered a transition time, or "thin place," in Celtic lore. It was a time between the worlds when deep insights could pass more easily to those open to them. Through the portals could also pass beings of wisdom, of play, and of fun. And while in time these beings took on a feeling of otherness and evil, as our modern relationship between the realms has been muddled, today can be a day to tap into the magic and wonder of other worlds
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