Remove a Curse Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli
If you feel you're the victim of a curse or any negative magic, this spell will remove all negativity. For this spell you'll need a piece of paper, a craft pen with brown ink, and three small hawthorn branches with the thorns intact. Begin by making a quick sketch on the paper of a house. This could resemble your house or the kind of house you'd like to have. It doesn't need to be fancy. Around your sketch draw a circle. What you're doing is surrounding your home space with protective brown earth energy. Beneath your sketch write out why you think you've been cursed. Next, in your cauldron or fireplace ignite the hawthorn branches and burn the paper in this ritual fire as you say:
Curse be burned, curse be
turned. Curse be gone, with
harm to none!
After the ashes cool, scatter them randomly outdoors. Like the ashes you've scattered, the curse's power will also break down.
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