Color of the day: Blue Incense of the day: Rue The Full Moon before Yule is a potent, deeply powerful time. The Mother is heavily pregnant with the young Sun God, and she shines with brilliant glory in the winter's night sky. Drape your altar in white and silver, and have a silver candle, a dish of water, and a moonstone on hand for a ritual to tap into tonight's special energy. In a pinch bowl, mix tree drops of jasmine oil, lemon oil, and rose oil with half a teaspoon of almond oil. Use the oil to anoint the silver candle, the moonstone, and your third eye and heart chakra. Light the candle and place the moonstone in the water before it.
Repeat the following chant:
Waters of life
Shining bright
Full of power
Full of light
Mighty motner
Bless me tonight
As you chant, visualize the white and silver light of the Moon shinging from behind your navel and then spiraling larger and larger until it fills your entire body. When you feel full of the power of the Goddess, channel that nergy in your own working for healing, creativity, properity, etc. When you close your ritual, be sure to thank the Goddess specifically in her Mother aspect. |