Spell of Forgiveness

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Before moving forward, sometimes we have to go back and mend our own "broken fences." Part of the mending is being able to forgive people for the things we wish they hadn't said or done. It's not necessary to make a poppet, but you may if you have time. Alternatively, you can use a picture of the person, or simply write his or her name on a piece of cloth. Thread a large-eyed embroidery needle with a thick pieve of string or yarn. Stitch around the edge of the cloth, pulling the yarn through tight enough to make a small pouch. Leave a few inches of yarn (long enough to use as a necklace or bracelet). Wear the pouch close to your skin for seven days. Think about what was said, or done, then consciously put it out of your mind.
On the seventh day, burn or bury the pouch, and again, consciously put the incident out of your mind, while saying three times:

I forgive this person.

This will allow you to not only forgive, but also forget about the hurt it caused you. Take back your power!
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4716