Charm for Laundry

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Leap Day is, according to Roman traditions, good for doig spells for improbable purposes. So here is a charm for laundry. Do you have problems with lost socks? Underwear isn't there, or your pants have a great big hole when they come out of the dryer? Here's a charm to protect your clothes and keep them from straying.
Take a holey sock, and fill it with dryer lint and a few pennies found on the street. Hang this over the washer and dryer and chant:

Save my clothes, save my socks,
Save the trousers, and the frocks,
Keep my pants and my caps safe from falling through the gaps.

Recite the charm before you wash your clothes, and don't overfill the washer. If you use a laundromat, keep the sock with you in your laundry basket or bag, and mutter the charm to yourself before you put in your laundry.
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