Environmental Protection Amulet

Gather together fallen feathers, dried twigs, leaves, and flowers from as many species as possible in your area. Play with what you have gathered, so you become intimately familiar with each piece-the patterns of the plants, the softness of the feathers, the smell of the flowers and twigs. With a piece of grass, or a thick thread or string, bind the materials together, enchanting them as you do so by saying: "All things are magic; to ignore them is tragic. All things, high and low, are to be protected. With this little charm, I protect all from harm." Hang the charm up, or place it in a dry bud vase where you can see it every day. Each time you view it, send out your love and protective power over all the species and things it represents.
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About deTraci Regula
A student of the sacred sciences since childhood, deTraci Regula explores the mystical through writing, dreams, and art.  She has been a Priestess of Isis with the Fellowship of Isis since 1983.  With David Harrington, she is the co-author of the upcoming biography of their friend Scott ...
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