Oracle at Praeneste Day

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
The Oracle at Praeneste, which belonged to the goddess Fortuna, was a very popular shrine in Italy. On April 11, people would travel to the shrine to have their questions answered by a drawing oak slips from a jar. You can have fun with this tradition by doing a little divination of your own.
On slips of paper write four "yes" responses and four "no" responses. On the back of each, draw wheel with eight spokes - Fortuna's symbol. Fold the papers, drop them in a decorative jar or bowl, and mix them. Light some frakincense incense and a white candle. Then, petition Fortuna with these words:

Lady Fortuna smile upon me,
I ask you sincerely these questions three

Ask three questions, one at a time, and draw an answer for each question.
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Mickie Mueller (Missouri) explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. She is the author/illustrator of The Voice of the Trees; the illustrator of The Mystical Cats ...
Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=4790