POSTED UNDER Air, Blessing, Love, AND MORE

What's Ganesha Got to Do with It?

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Rosemary
With the Sun in Gemini, we get the guidance of an Air sign that offers mirth, cleverness, and ingenuity on the one hand, and flightiness, skepticism, and a rueful mood on the other. To make the most of both worlds and find the usefulness in sometimes difficult characteristics or traits, you might wish to offer prayers to Lord Ganesha.
This Hindu elephant-headed god has the uncanny ability to place in our paths just what we need to overcome on the road to greater success. Present this playful and intense son of Shiva and Parvati - a lover of sweets- with delicious goodies as you ask for the strength and courage to maneuver through life's challenges. Of particular poignancy today are endeavors of the intellect that require focus, discernment, clarity, and faculties of the higher mind.
Once you have made your offering and asked for guidance or support, be sure to taste and share the sweets you have placed at Ganesha's feet as a sign of your willingness to take in his blessing.
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