POSTED UNDER Beltane, Job, Money, AND MORE

Spell for Leftovers

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Lilac
No, not the kind that lurk in your fridge in plastic containers, but the odds and ends left over from spells and rituals. The candle stubs from a candle magic ritual that can't be burned the rest of the way. The money talisman you made three years ago, before you got your new job.
The token from the Beltane ritual a couple of years ago. Anything that can be safely burned, should be; this includes candles, paper, wood, and natural cloth like cotton. The fire should be outdoors in a safe place, or in a fireplace. This does not have to be a ritual fire, but it shouldn't be a fire used for cooking either. Small ceramic or metal items can be burried. Small stones can be dropped in running water. Keeping these items blocks the flow of energy, so now is the time to let them go.
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