Destroy a Curse Spell

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
If you feel you're the victim of a curse, or just a run of bad luck, try this old-time charm.

You'll need a large, rusty nail and a hammer. On a moonless night, when the wind is still and the clouds hang low, go to a secluded area. Place the nail on a flat rock and spit on the nail three times with great forse. Then, hit the nail three times with a hammer. Each time you swing the hammer say:

"With spit and nail, This curse is derailed! From here to eternity, Good fortune will favor me."

Bury the nail quickly. Return in three days to retrieve the nail, then hide the nail in an old rag. Repeat this spell if necessary druing a waning Moon. When good fortune returns to you, bury the nail and rag far from your home and never use it again.
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