Opening to the Underworld

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Mulberry
With the journey into darkness deepening now, the question of how to sustain ourselves without falling into mental or emotional downward spirals comes alive. In part, the answer lies with drawing on a connection to the Underworld and the raw energies to be found there.
Do you know that we can utilize the power of this realm to aid our well-being?
First, strengthen yourself through regular breathing exercises such as pranayama. Opening to the Underworld takes strength and courage, resolve and will; cultivate these.
Focus your intention on moving past extant hurdles or anticipated ones in your life and ask for a guide to come forward. As you are ready, draw up the energy offered by the lower worlds to help you stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Because such a gift requires an equal exchange, be sure to make a conscious sacrifice in the subtle realm before you are through.
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