Stop the Gossip Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
If you're a victim of gossip or rumor, this spell will help remove the power of the rumor, and destroy it. You'll need some gray stationery, a gray envelope, and a gray candle.
The color gray is used in this spell to neutralize any negativity, without creating bad karma for you. Light the candle first. Then write a description of the gossip on the stationery, and declare that you wish to stop it without hurting anyone. Even if you know who started the rumor, don't mention them. Then fold the stationery and seal it in the envelope. Ignite the envelope in the candle flame, and let everything burn in a heat-proof container. As it burns, say:

"Talk is cheap, talk is trash,
Lies and rumors be turned to ash!"

When the ashes cool, scatter them outside after dark. The gossip will end without harming you or anyone else.
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