To Become Invisible

While there are many stories that involve magical cloaks and staves that render the hero invisible, in truth, the closest that many will ever come to true invisibility is when they journey into the astral. There is, however, a rite that has been used to endow the virtue of near invisibility. It enables one to walk into a room unobtrusively, unnoticed by all within. To begin, light a candle anointed with mystic veil oil. As it burns, anoint yourself with the oil as well, and go to the place where you wish to preserve your anonymity. You may find that even good friends will not notice as you quietly stride past. This rite can be combined with a specific purpose-for instance, those who wish to cross a border surreptitiously, or those who wish to gain insight by being unobtrusive. The possibilities are endless, and the results impressive.
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