Cleaning Up Your Computer Spell

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Narcissus
It's the beginning of the new calendar year, and there are several things you should do to keep your computer clean now that the holidays are over. Ask Techno-logika, goddess of all things tech, for another good year of no viruses, malware, or breakdowns for your electronic equipment. Then go through your Magical Technology List to make sure you are doing your part:

- Password for this year changed on all accounts

- Anti-virus program and definitions up to date

- Latest security patches up to date and installed

- Keyboard and fans clean and free of debris

- Wireless network hidden and secured with a password

Then say the Spell of the Geeks:

"I keep my machine(s) clean and up to date. Protect them, Techno-logika!"
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