POSTED UNDER Cat, Friends, Spring

Share Because You Care

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Basil
Over the holidays and during other busy times, some of our friendships can slip from our minds. Use the chant below to focus your attention on a relationship or friendship that might have been a little neglected recently.

"Thought, word, action, deed, help me now find the need.
Reaching out, I open doors, remembering what's gone before."

Repeat the chant three times, and pay attention to who springs to mind. Give the person a call or send an e-mail, and catch up, for the memory of all the good times you've shared. If it's a relationship that's been bumpy, you might get some help (from divination or a wise friend) about how to handle the past more smoothly. Don't focus on forgiving and forgetting; after all, the past is still part of us. Instead, reach out to create the connection you'd like in the future.
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