The Diviner

Color of the day:  Red
Incense of the day:  Ylang-ylang
The Quinquatria (or Quinquatrus), the festival sacred to Minerva, was celebrated on March 19 in the ancient Roman regligious tradition. Because Minerva invented numbers, Quinquatria was traditionally a day when women consulted fortunetellers and diviners, as numbers played an important role in the interpretation of divine patterns and occurrences, and predictions of the future.
While most of us like to do our own divination, today seek out someone who will "read" for you, such as a friend, someone from your sacred circle or coven, or a recommended (and trusted) professional. Whether the person uses runes, cards, coins, water, glass, pendulum, or mirror, ask Minerva to speak through the diviner. Meditate on one situation in your life for which you want guidance, holding it in your focus. Then ask your question and listen. Open yourself to Minerva's divine wisdom, symbols, and sacred numbers as they are channeled to you.
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