Healing from the News

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Lavender
On this day in 1704, the first-ever regular newspaper in the United States, The Boston News-Letter, was published in Massachusetts. Today we take our easy access to regular news and information for granted; however, on this day take a moment to remember that it wasn't always so easy to receive information about current events, even in our own city.
Today find a copy of your local newspaper or visit it online. Find a local news story about an event or situation that has occurred in your area that could use the benefit of some good energy and healing. Cut or print out the story and find a purple candle. Infuse the candle with your intent to help and send energy to all those involved in the situation, then set the candle in a holder on top of the article. Light the candle and visualize the healing energy and light surrounding those in need.
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