Keep Your Luck Magick Wreath

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Jasmine
Take a simple grapevine wreath and weave a long piece of red ribbon or yarn to form a fine-pointed star in the middle. Then tuck sprigs of herbs into the wreath for good luck. Use chamomile, thyme, sage, clover flowers, rosemary, mint, yarrow, or any of your favorite good luck herbs. You can hot-glue star anise all around the wreath, if you wish. Feel free to dangle any of your favorite good luck charms, such as a small horseshoe, crescent moon, dragon, Chinese coins, and so on.
Once the wreath is complete, go outside and hang it on your front door. With the door closed, enchant it with the following charm:

"Magical wreath, circle round, send bad luck ino the ground.
Hold all good luck behind this door, peace, love and prosperity evermore."

The wreath will deflect bad luck and hold the good luck in your home.
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Mickie Mueller (Missouri) explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. She is the author/illustrator of The Voice of the Trees; the illustrator of The Mystical Cats ...
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