The Sun Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Marjoram
In tarot, the Sun is the most powerful and positive card in the deck. For this spell you will need a dandelion. They are powerful plants, filled with positive sun energy. Also, they are well known to increase psychic abilities and connection to spirit. In a small glass bowl, crush the petals with a spoon. Go outside and sit in a sunny spot, and dip your fingers into the mixture. Apply to the backs of both hands. Place your hands over your heart, with the essence exposed, and repeat the following as you breathe slowly and deeply, face turned up toward the sun:

"Thank you for sharing your power.
Thank you for sharing your warmth.
Thank you for sharing your light.
Thank you for sharing your joy."

Repeat the mantra three times. Leave the dandelion essence on your hands for as long as you can, and breathe it in when you think of it.
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