POSTED UNDER Air, Cat, Prayer

Harmony with Electronics

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
With Mercury in retrograde, we are back in a time when electronics and communication devices may foul up at every given opportunity. In addition to making sure your batteries are fully charged at all times, and making sure your prized equipment is unplugged during storms that generate lightning (which can travel back on telephone and power lines and blow out our equipment), I recommend asking Mercury, the god of communications, to protect your equipment and improve your communications during this period of retrograde:

"Lord Mercury, hear my prayer and keep my equipment in good repair. Keep it free from static and power surge and any other electrical scourge. Help me keep communication clear, for what I mean is what they hear. Grant us clarity in what we say, bless us all and be on your way."
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