POSTED UNDER Blessing, Garden, Summer, AND MORE

Long Day Delight

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Thyme
The long days of sun are upon us. Take time to celebrate and observe these long days, before they shorten too much. Set your alarm for a few minutes earlier than sunrise.
When you wake, go outside and watch the sun rise, and mindfully delight. Appreciate the quiet, privacy, and sanctity of early morning. Walk in your neighborhood, weed your garden, or sit and watch the sun's gradual climb into the sky.

"Long days, short nights, summer sun, in you we delight,
Strong rays, blessing bright, radiant, life-giving light"

Throughout the day, pause frequently and note the position of the sun and the quality of its light. In those moments, mindfully delight. At dusk, return to where you greeted the sun this morning and give thanks:

"You've lightened, and brightened, and rose overhead,
Now glorious sun, it's time for bed.
Sun, good night, in this long day, I do delight."
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