POSTED UNDER Love, Moon, Water

Love in a Tea Cup

To cast a potent love spell, during a waxing Moon make a cup of herbal tea by placing in two mugs a heaping teaspoon of tea made from crushed and blended hyacinth, peppermint, grated lemon peel, and clove. Add a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg and a few drops of vanilla extract, and fill the mugs with boiling water. Place the two mugs side-by-side, and stir clockwise while switching back and forth between mugs. Keep the liquid in both in constant motion as you chant: "By this brew, three times three, a drink for two I wish with thee. When my face you look and see, love will come forever to be." As you share this with the person whose heart you wish to capture, make sure you are the first person he or she sees after you both sip the shared drink.
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About Edain McCoy
Edain became a self-initiated Witch in 1981 and was an active part of the Pagan community since her formal initiation into a large San Antonio coven in 1983. Edain had researched alternative spiritualities since her teens, when she was first introduced to Kabbalah. Since that time, she studied a ...
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