POSTED UNDER Earth, Moon, Protection, AND MORE

The Dark Justice of Nemesis

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Violet
The new, or "dark," moon is known to be an ideal time for working spells of protection, binding, severing, and banishing. Nemesis is one of the ancient dark goddesses, a Kali-like force who balances justice with retribution and typically exacts revenge for acts of presumption or hubris. The word nemesis itself means "retribution" and comes from the late sixteenth-century Greek word nemein, meaning "give what is due."
Invite Nemesis to assist you in a ritual of banishing or when you wish to seek justice. For best results work when the moon is in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn); this is also an effective time to recover misplaced or misappropriated goods.
To deal with the results of anger or hubris, work with the moon in a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The new moon reaches peak height around noon - although it will be below the horizon and not visible.
On small pieces of black paper, use a silver pen to write about those issues that you wish to resolve so as to create a clean slate. Meditate silently on these, then feed them to a fire, saying:

"From fire to ash, Nemesis, remove this burden, cleanse my soul, renew my intention, free me from malice, support my efforts to follow a path of justice. So shall it be."
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About Susan Pesznecker
Susan “Moonwriter” Pesznecker is a writer, college English teacher, nurse, and hearth Pagan/Druid living in northwestern Oregon. Sue holds a Masters degree in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp with her wonder poodle, and work in her own biodynamic garden. She ...
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