Ahimsa above All

Color of the day:  Coral
Incense of the day:  Orchid
Typically we think of ahimsa, the principle of nonviolence, as a passive stance. However, there is nothing more active than a response to life that honors it fully. Ahimsa can be a philosophical position, an engagement in the world with care, a response to injustice, or all of these and more.
Consider today your approach to living a good life and the ways in which your choices impact others.
To help you retain a powerful stance that encourages ahimsa from your core motivation to actual manifestation, do the following before you act. Find a white feather to represent connection to Soul. Holding the feather over white smoke, say:

"By this smoke be cleansed and strengthened that I may act in accord with the wisest of ways."

Lay the feather on your altar as a reminder of your commitment.
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