POSTED UNDER Love, Passion, Romance

Rekindle Your Passion

Color of the day:  Pink
Incense of the day:  Violet
Sometimes we fall into a routine with our lover, even when the person is our soul mate. Everyday life can zap the passion right out of us. Spending some special time together can reignite that old passion and bring some good old-fashioned romance back into your life.
Carve a heart with your initials on one side of a red candle and your anniversary date on the other. Now charge the candle:

"We fan the flame of passion stong, rekindling our love so long. Bring clarity into our hearts, reminding us of our true love's start."

Have a bowl of fresh strawberries nearby. Feed your partner a strawberry and tell them one thing about them that you find attractive or recall a happy memory of your first year together. They should do the same with you. Repeat this process until the strawberries are gone, and let the evening progress as it will.
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About Mickie Mueller
Mickie Mueller (Missouri) explores magic and spirituality through art and the written word. She includes magical herbal washes in her art that correspond with the subject, making every piece enchanted. She is the author/illustrator of The Voice of the Trees; the illustrator of The Mystical Cats ...
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