POSTED UNDER Earth, Love, Water

Love Sigil Spell

In front of an image of Venus or Aphrodite and a cup of water, place twelve copper or silver coins in the form of the goddess's sigil-a circle balanced on top of an equal-armed cross. Start with the right side of the circle, bringing the divine energy down as you arrange the earth cross, then go the left, ascending side of the crowning. Say these words as you place each coin: "I ask you, great goddess of love, to look upon me kindly from above; let your love of greatest worth find me here and now." Leave the sigil set up until love enters your life; if it is a love you want to endure, glue the coins to a board and place behind your image of Aphrodite-Venus.
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About deTraci Regula
A student of the sacred sciences since childhood, deTraci Regula explores the mystical through writing, dreams, and art.  She has been a Priestess of Isis with the Fellowship of Isis since 1983.  With David Harrington, she is the co-author of the upcoming biography of their friend Scott ...
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