POSTED UNDER Autumn, Cat, Equinox, AND MORE

Star Scrying

Color of the day:  Scarlet
Incense of the day:  Bayberry
Past the autumnal equinox, the nights grow longer. Trees shed their leaves and stand bare against the brilliant sky. The veil between worlds is slowly thinning. Now is a good time for scrying.
For this spell, you need a black bowl and enough water to fill it. Rainwater is best, but tap water will suffice. Go to a safe, quiet place outside after dark, somewhere that you can see the stars. Fill the bowl with water and set it to reflect the sky.
Gaze into it and say:

"Bowl of water,
Colored black,
Catch the sky and
Send it back.
Ancient starlight,
Silver rays,
Show me past and
Future days."

Search the glittering ripples for glimpses of what has been or what could be.
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