POSTED UNDER Autumn, Sun, Water

Throw Away the Key Spell

Color of the day:  Turquoise
Incense of the day:  Balsam
Grief can paralyze us and prevent us from living. When you feel you're ready to move on, try this spell; you are the only one who can set yourself free from pain and sorrow.
You'll need the Five of Cups card from the tarot, as many candles as you wish in cheery colors, an old key you don't need, and a glass of sweet red wine. Put the card in the reversed position on your altar, and light the candles. Hold the key above the flames; in your imagination, see the key turning in a lock and opening a door. Then say:

"No more sorrow, no more grief.
I hold the key to set myself free."

Sip the wine-allow yourself to taste the sweetness of life again. On a sunny autumn day, throw the key into a body of running water. Hold your head high and walk away.
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