POSTED UNDER Blessing, Moon, Water, AND MORE

Holy Moon Water

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
The full moon is a wonderful time for charging things with a burst of lunar energy. It is also the perfect occasion to create a simple holy water for use in spells, blessings, and ritual.
Start by filling a bottle, bowl, or other vessel with purified water. Add any crystals or herbs whose energy you wish to imbue your water with. A nice all-purpose combination would be moonstone with a handful of crushed white sage and a dash or sprig of rosemary. Place the vessel somewhere that it can bask in the moonlight overnight, perhaps on a windowsill, on a porch, or in your yard. Then recite a simple blessing like the following:

"Lady of the Moon, shining bright,
Lend your lunar blessing this night.
Your silvery illumination
Blessing this holy creation.
Blessed be!"

Retrieve your blessed holy water in the morning and use as guided.
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