Spirits of the Season Spell

Color of the day:  Lavender
Incense of the day:  Neroli
The holiday season can be tinged with sadness when we think of the loved ones who are no longer with us. But the spirit realm is active at this time of year, and our ancestors are eager to connect with us.
For this spell, you'll need these items: pine or a pine garland, old photos of your loved ones, and any old Christmas ornaments that have sentimental meaning. The pine will represent everlasting life, and the photos and ornaments will connect us with our ancestors.
For this ritual, it's best to use a fireplace mantle; if not, then use your altar, or a bowl that you can use as a holiday centerpiece. Arrange the pine, then place the photos among the branches. Here and there, place the ornaments as you think of the memories associated with them. Each evening, light a red candle to honor your ancestors as you meditate.
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