Seven-Day Candles for Manifestation

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Ginger
If you've ever been to an occult shop, whether online or in person, you may have seen seven-knob candles for sale. These are especially prominent in shops catering to those who practice Vodou, Santeria, Candomble, and other religions of the African diaspora.
For our purposes, I advise either buying one of these or making your own: simply stick six needles equidistant apart along a twelve-inch taper candle. Align the color of the candle to the intention of your manifestation. Next, carve the seven symbols representing your intention onto each nub.
Perform magick by practicing visualization, meditation, spellwork, and chanting concerning the manifestation you're aiming for, while burning the uppermost nub down to the needle you inserted. Do this once a day. Use your magickal knowledge to structure solid spellwork. Continue this for seven days, and safely dispose of the wax and needles once completed.
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About Raven Digitalis
Raven Digitalis (Hawaii/Montana) is the author of The Empath's Oracle, The Everyday Empath, Esoteric Empathy, Shadow Magick Compendium, Planetary Spells & Rituals and Goth Craft. Originally trained in Georgian Witchcraft, Raven has been an earth-based practitioner since 1999, a Priest since ...
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