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Data Privacy Day

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Honeysuckle
Currently celebrated in the United States, Canada, and more than two dozen European countries, Data Privacy Day promotes education and awareness of the importance of privacy in this ever more technological world. Originally, the focus was on teens and youth and the protection of personal information online. With the huge leap forward of social media, the focus has expanded to families, consumers, and businesses. Events this day are aimed at encouraging opportunities and dialogues among all stakeholders, large and small.
Take time today to perform a "cleansing" of personal technology. This may take the form of a simple sage smudging. You may wish to perform a complete backup of your hard drive, or perhaps delete files or data more than one or two years old. Take a look at social websites to which you belong and possibly edit your information. Light orange, yellow, and/or violet candles. Call upon Mercury as the god of communication, or whatever goddess or god you call upon for personal protection. Be sure to include a request for blessing and a thought of gratitude such as:

"Mercury, messenger of the gods,
protect my thoughts and words in
electronic communications.

Help me to remain mindful of the
power of the word, and not hit that
"Send" button in haste or anger.

Create barriers, allow no damaging,
negative energy to enter through my
computer or other devices.

Now that it is cleansed, aid me in
keeping my personal technology free
of dirt, in all forms."
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